FSBI "VNIIOkeangeologia"
Leading Research Institute in the field of marine geology

The 10th International Conference Minerals of the Ocean

20 - 23 june 2023
St. Petersburg
International conference

The 10th International Conference Minerals of the Ocean

Rational and environmentally safe mineral exploration requires a close collaboration of scientific communities with the industry. The 10th International Conference "Minerals of the Ocean" focus on discussion of latest scientific researches related to marine minerals, such as hydrothermal sulfides, ferromanganese crusts and nodules, as well as engineering, environmental and legal developments of exploration and expected mining operations. In addition, conference includes discussion of geomorphology, tectonics/geodynamics, magmatism and sedimentation of the Mid-Ocean Ridges (Russian Ridge national program).

  • Hydrothermal Sulfides 
  • Ferromanganese Crusts and Nodules 
  • Exploration Technologies, Economics and Environment
  • Geology of the Mid Ocean Ridges (national program Russian-Ridge)

Conference Format:
In-person / Remote

Registration fees in-person:
Early Registration (before April 23) - 5000 Rub.
Regular Registration (after April 23) - 6500 Rub.

Presentation Style:
Oral (20 min) / Poster

Language: Russian / English

Dates and Deadlines:
  • May 20 Abstract submission deadline

Please send the abstract at vniio_ic@vniio.ru
  • May 30 Registration deadline

For registration visit the website or use the link:


June 20 -23 Conference in St.Petersburg and online

VNIIOkeangeologia, 1 Angliysky prospekt, St. Petersburg, Russia

