FSBI "VNIIOkeangeologia"
Leading Research Institute in the field of marine geology
Leichenkov German
Leichenkov German

Deputy Director General for Research (Antarctica)

Grand PhD in Geology and Mineralogy


  • Institute for Geology and Mineral Resources of the World Ocean, (VNIIOkeangeologia);
  • Saint Petersburg State University, Institute of Earth Sciences.

Higher education

  • Doctor of science (geology and mineralogy), Moscow State University, 2013.
  • Candidate in earth sciences (equivalent of Ph.D.), VNIIOkeangeologia, 1999.
  • MSc in Geophysics, Leningrad Mining Institute, USSR, 1981.

Academic career

  • 2008 to present: Associate Professor, Professor at the SPb State University
  • 2016 to present: Deputy director general, VNIIokeangeologia.
  • 1993 to present: Head of Department of Antarctic Geoscience, VNIIOkeangeologia.
  • 1981 – 1993:  Junior research scientist, research scientist, VNIIOkeangeologia.

Scientific interests

  • Interpretation of geophysical data, marine geology, tectonics, geodynamics, geology of the Antarctic.

Research and development projects since 2013

  1. Geology and tectonics of Central Antarctica from geological proxy record and geophysical data (Russian Foundation for Basic Research, RFBR) - Head;
  2. Environment and geology of subglacial Lake Vostok in Central Antarctica (Russian Foundation for Basic Research, RFBR) - Head;
  3. Deep structure, thermal evolution and magmatism of the East Antarctic transitional zones and adjacent oceans (Russian Science Foundation, RSF) -Head;
  4. Tectonic Map of Antarctica: 2-nd Edition with Explanatory Note (Commission for Geological Map of the World; CGMW) - Head;
  5. Paleobathymetric grids of the Cenozoic Southern Ocean (International Project within the PAIS SCAR scientific Program) - coauthor;
  6. Geological and geophysical study and assessment of the mineral potential of the subsoil of Antarctic continent and its marginal seas as part of the 61st RAE, 62rd RAE and 63rd RAE, compiling summary maps of the geological content of 1: 1,000,000 - 1: 2,500,000 central sector of East Antarctica (Glacier region Denman, Land of Queen Mary), (State task of the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use) - head.
  7. Geological and geophysical study and assessment of the mineral potential of the subsoil of Antarctica and its marginal seas as part of the 64th RAE; compilation of summary maps of geological content of 1: 2,500,000 scale of the western sector of East Antarctica (eastern part of the Queen Maud Land) ”(State task of the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use) - head. 


Significant publications during the past 5 years Totally: 152 Scientific papers, 3 Monographs, 6 Maps.


Frémand, A. C., Fretwell, P., Bodart, J., Pritchard, H. D., Aitken, A., Bamber, J. L., Bell, R., Bianchi, C., Bingham, R. G., Blankenship, D. D., Casassa, G., Catania, G., Christianson, K., Conway, H., Corr, H. F. J., Cui, X., Damaske, D., Damm, V., Drews, R., Eagles, G., Eisen, O., Eisermann, H., Ferraccioli, F., Field, E., Forsberg, R., Franke, S., Fujita, S., Gim, Y., Goel, V., Gogineni, S. P., Greenbaum, J., Hills, B., Hindmarsh, R. C. A., Holmlund, P., Holschuh, N., Holt, J. W., Humbert, A., Jacobel, R. W., Jansen, D., Jenkins, A., Jokat, W., Jordan, T., King, E., Kohler, J., Krabill, W., Langley, K., Lee, J., Leitchenkov, G., Leuschen, C., Luyendyk, B., MacGregor, J., MacKie, E., Matsuoka, K., Morlinghem, M., Mouginot, J., Nitsche, F. O., Nogi, Y., Nost, O. A., Paden, J., Pattyn, F., Popov, S. V., Riger-Kusk, M., Rignot, E., Rippin, D. M., Rivera, A., Roberts, J., Ross, N., Ruppel, A., Schroeder, D. M., Siegert, M. J., Smith, A. M., Steinhage, D., Studinger, M., Sun, B., Tabacco, I., Tinto, K., Urbini, S., Vaughan, D., Welch, B. C., Wilson, D. S., Young, D. A., and Zirizzotti, A.: Antarctic Bedmap data: FAIR sharing of 60 years of ice bed, surface and thickness data // Earth Syst. Sci. 2023. Vol. 15. No 7. P. 2695-2710. https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-2022-355.

Donda F., Romeo R., Leitchenkov G., Gei D., Rosenthal Y., Leventer A., Lodolo E., Noble T.L., Post A., O’Brien P.E., Opdyke B.N., Olivo E. Evidence of the evolution of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet on the continental slope and rise sedimentary record: Insights from the Sabrina Coast, East Antarctica // GSA Bulletin. 2023. doi: https://doi.org/10.1130/B36674.1.

Talalay P.G., Gong D., Fan X., Li Y., Leitchenkov G., Li D., Zhang N., Wang R., Yang Y., Hong J. 2023. Geothermal heat flow from the borehole measurements in the margin of the Princess Elizabeth Land (East Antarctic Ice Sheet) // Journal of Glaciology. 2021. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/jog.2023.43

Agranov G.D., Dubinin E.P., Grokholsky A.L., Leitchenkov G.L. Structure Formation of the Southeast Indian Ridge at the Early Stages of Development: Physical Modeling // Geotectonics. 2023. Vol. 57. P. 251–262. https://doi.org/10.1134/S0016852123030020

Агранов Г.Д., Дубинин Е.П., Грохольский А.Л., Лейченков Г.Л. Особенности структурообразования на ранних стадиях развития Юго-Восточного Индийского хребта: физическое моделирование// Геотектоника. 2023. №3. С. 3-16.

Borovkov N.V., Leitchenkov G.L., Kamenev I.A. Constraints on Geodynamic Setting of East Antarctic Orthopyroxene Granitoids Intrusions // Geotectonics, 2023. Vol.57. No.6 (Suppl. Is.). P. S112-S135.

Leitchenkov G.L., Grikurov G.E. Tectonic Structure of the Antarctic // Geotectonics, 2023. Vol.57. No.6 (Suppl. Is.). S28-S33.

Shumskiy B.V., Kaminsky V.D., Gusev Е.А., Leitchenkov G.L., Smirnov О.Е., Cherkashov G.А., Chernykh А.А. geology of the world ocean, Arctic, Antarctic: achievements and new research. // Geotectonics, 2023. Vol.57. No.6 (Suppl. Is.). S1-S12.

Grikurov G.E., Leitchenkov G. Tectonic Map of Antarctica (Scale 1:10 M) and Explanatory Notes. Commission for Geological Map of the World (CGMW). Paris, 2023.   


Sushchevskaya N.M., Leitchenkov G.L., Belyatsky B.V., Zhilkins A.V. 2022. Evolution of the Karoo-Maud Plume and Formation of Mesozoic Igneous Provinces in Antarctica. Vol. 60, No6, pp. 509-529.

Dorschel1 B., Hehemann L., Viquerat S., Warnke F., Dreutter S., Tenberge Y.S., Accetella D., An L., Barrios F., Bazhenova E., Black J., Bohoyo F., Davey C., De Santis L., Escutia C., Fremand A.C., Fretwell P.T., Gales J.A., Gao J., Gasperini L., Greenbaum J.S., Jencks J.H., Hogan K., Hong J.K., Jakobsson M., Jensen L., Kool J., Larin S., Larter R.D., Leitchenkov G., Loubrieu B.,  Mackay K., Mayer L., Millan R., Morlighem M., Navidad F., Nitsche F.O., Nogi Y., Pertuisot C., Post A.L., Pritchard H.D., Purser A., Rebesco M., Rignot E., Roberts J.L., Rovere M.,  Ryzhov R., Sauli C.,  Schmitt T., Silvano A., Smith J., Snaith H., Tate A.J., Tinto K., Vandenbossche P., Weatherall P., Wintersteller P., Yang C., Zhang T., Arndt J.E. 2021. The International Bathymetric Chart of the Southern Ocean Version 2 2 (IBCSO v2). Scientific Data. 9, 275. doi.org/10.1038/s41597-022-01366-7.

Altenbernd-Lang T., Jokat W., Leitchenkov G.L. Distribution of oceanic crust in the Enderby Basin offshore East Antarctica // Geophys. J. Int. 2022. Vol. 231. P. 1959–1981.

Shcherbakova V.V., Vodovozov V.Yu.,. Zhidkov G.V., Afinogenova N.A., Sal’naya N.V., Leichenkov G. L. 2022. Ultra-Low Geomagnetic Field Intensity in the Mesoproterozoic Based on the Dike Complex Rocks of the Bunger Oasis (1133 Ma, East Antarctica). Izvestiya. Physics of the Solid Earth. № 6, pp. 90–112.

Frémand, A.C., Fretwell, P., Bodart, J., Pritchard, H. D., Aitken, A., Bamber, J. L., Bell, R., Bianchi, C., Bingham, R. G., Blankenship, D. D., Casassa, G., Catania, G., Christianson, K., Conway, H., Corr, H. F. J., Cui, X., Damaske, D., Damm, V., Drews, R., Eagles, G., Eisen, O., Eisermann, H., Ferraccioli, F., Field, E., Forsberg, R., Franke, S., Fujita, S., Gim, Y., Goel, V., Gogineni, S. P., Greenbaum, J., Hills, B., Hindmarsh, R. C. A., Holmlund, P., Holschuh, N., Holt, J. W., Humbert, A., Jacobel, R. W., Jansen, D., Jenkins, A., Jokat, W., Jordan, T., King, E., Kohler, J., Krabill, W., Langley, K., Lee, J., Leitchenkov, G., Leuschen, C., Luyendyk, B., MacGregor, J., MacKie, E., Matsuoka, K., Morlinghem, M., Mouginot, J., Nitsche, F. O., Nogi, Y., Nost, O. A., Paden, J., Pattyn, F., Popov, S. V., Riger-Kusk, M., Rignot, E., Rippin, D. M., Rivera, A., Roberts, J., Ross, N., Ruppel, A., Schroeder, D. M., Siegert, M. J., Smith, A. M., Steinhage, D., Studinger, M., Sun, B., Tabacco, I., Tinto, K., Urbini, S., Vaughan, D., Welch, B. C., Wilson, D. S., Young, D. A., and Zirizzotti, A. 2022. Antarctic Bedmap data: FAIR sharing of 60 years of ice bed, surface and thickness data. Earth System Science Data. 2022. doi.org/10.5194/essd-2022-355.

Donda F., Romeo R., Leitchenkov G., Gei1 D., Rosenthal Y., Leventer A., Lodolo1 E., Noble T.L., Post A., O’Brien Ph.E., Opdyke B.N., Olivo E.  Evidence of the evolution of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet on the 2 continental slope and rise sedimentary record: insights from the 3 Sabrina Coast (East Antarctica) // GSA Bulletin. 2022. In press.


Sushchevskaya N.M., Sobolev A.V., Leitchenkov G.L., Batanova V.G., Belyatsky B.V., Zhilkina A.V. 2021. Role of Pyroxenite Mantle in the Formation of Melts of the Mesozoic Karoo Plume: Evidence from the Western Queen Maud Land, East Antarctica. Geochemistry International. Vol. 66. No3. pp.

Vodovozov V.Yu., Leitchenkov G.L., Egorov M.S., Gonzhurov N.A., Mikhalsky E.V. 2021. Paleomagnetism of the Mesoproterozoic Gabbro–Dolerite Dykes of the Bunger Hills (East Antarctica): A Key Paleomagnetic Pole and Tectonic Implications. Vol. 55, No. 2, pp. 179–193. Doi: 10.1134/S0016852121020102

Gohl K., Uenzelmann-Neben G., Gille-Petzoldt J., Hillenbrand C-D., Klages J.P., Bohaty S.M., Passchier S., Frederichs T., Wellner J.S., Lamb R., Leitchenkov G., IODP Expedition 379 Scientists. Extremes of Pliocene shelf growth and glacial retreat in the Amundsen Sea, West Antarctica. Geophysical Research Letters. 2021 doi.org/10.1029/2021GL093103    

McKay R., Escutia C., De Santis L., Donda F., Duncan D., Gohl K., Gulick S., Hernandez-Molina J., Hillenbrand C-D., Hochmuth K., Kim S., Kuhn G., Larter R., Leitchenkov G., Levy R., Naish T., O’Brien P., Perez L., Shevenell A., Williams T. 2021.Cenozoic history of Antarctic claciation and climate from onshore and offshore studies. In: F. Florindo, M. Siegert, L. DeSantis, T. Naish (eds). Antarctic Climate Evolution. 2-nd Edition. Elsevier. pp. 41-164.

Colleoni F., De Santis L., Naish T., DeConto R.M., Escutia C., Stocchi P., Uenzelmann-Neben G., Hochmuth K., Hillenbrand C.-D., van De Flierdt T., Perez L.F., Leitchenkov G. Sangiorgi F., Jamieson S., Bentley V., Wilson D., 2021. Past Antarctic ice sheet dynamics (PAIS) and implications for future sea-level change. In: F. Florindo, M. Siegert, L. DeSantis, T. Naish (eds). Antarctic Climate Evolution. 2-nd Edition. Elsevier. pp. 689-768.

Bolshunov A. V., Vasiliev N. I., Timofeev I. P., Ignatiev S. A., Vasiliev D. A., & Leichenkov G. L. 2021. Potential technological solution for sampling the bottom sediments of the subglacial lake Vostok: relevance and formulation of investigation goals. Journal of Mining Institute, 252(6), 779-787. https://doi.org/10.31897/PMI.2021.6.1

Leitchenkov G.L., Minina V.V., Guseva Y.B. 2021. Current-controlled sedimentation in the north-western Weddell Sea. Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki. 2021. Vol. 67. № 4.  10.30758/0555-2648-2021-67-4-382-393

Leitchenkov G.L., Bazhenova E.A. 2021. Late Pleistocene glaciation and retreat of ice sheet on the shelf of the South Orkney Plateau, West Antarctica. Ice and Snow. 61(4):571-586. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.31857/S2076673421040109


Litvinenko V.S., Leitchenkov G.L., Vasiliev N.I. 2020. Anticipated sub-bottom geology of Lake Vostok and technological approaches considered for sampling. Chemie Der Erde. doi.org/10.1016/j.chemer.2019.125556.

Galushkin Yu.I., Leichenkov G.L., Dubinin E.P. 2020. Estimation and Comparison of Hydrocarbon Generation in the Eastern and Western Mawson Sea (Antarctica) using Vitrinite Reflectance Data. Geochemistry International. Vol. 58, No. 1, pp. 91–99.

Leitchenkov G.L., Galushkin Yu.I., Guseva Yu.B., Dubinin Е.P. 2020. Evolution of the Sedimentary Basin of the Continental Margin of Antarctica in the Cooperation Sea (from Results of Numerical Modeling). Russian Geology and Geophysics 2019, V.S. Sobolev IGM, Siberian Branch of the RAS. Vol. 61, No. 1, pp. 68-78.

Dubinin E.P., Kokhan A.V., Leitchenkov G.L., Shaikhullina A.A. 2020. Tectonic structurw and evolution of the southern part of the central sector of the Indian Ocean. Herald of the Moscow University. Series 4. Geology. No1, pp 3-11.

Donda F., Leitchenkov G. Brancolini G., Romeo R., De Santis L., Escutia C., O’Brien P., Armand L., Caburlotto A., Cotterle D. 2020. The influence of Totten Glacier on the Late Cenozoic sedimentary record. Antarctic Science.  doi:10.1017/S0954102020000188

O'Brien P.E., Post A.L., Edwards S., Martin T., Caburlotto A., Donda F., Leitchenkov G., Romeo R., Duffy M., Evangelinos D., Holder L., Leventer A., López-Quirós A., Opdyke B.N, Armand L.K. 2020. Continental slope and rise geomorphology seaward of the Totten Glacier, East Antarctica (112°E-122°E. Marine Geology. Vol. 427. doi.org/10.1016/j.margeo.2020.106221.

Hochmuth K., Gohl K., Leitchenkov G., Sauermilch I., Whittaker J. M., Uenzelmann‐Neben G., Davy, De Santis L. 2020. The Evolving Paleobathymetry of the Circum‐Antarctic Southern Ocean B.Since 34 Ma: A Key to Understanding Past Cryosphere‐Ocean Developments. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems.  Vol. 21, e2020GC009122. doi.org/10.1029/2020GC009122  

Dubinin E.P., Shaikhullina A.A., Bulychev A.A., Leitchenkov G.L., Maksimova A.A. 2020. The Structure of the Tectonosphere in the Marginal Zones of the Kerguelen Plateau Based on Geological and Geophysical Data. Moscow Univ. Geol. Bull. Vol. 75, pp. 317–329. https://doi.org/10.3103/S014587522004004

Galushkin Y. I., Leitchenkov G.L., Dubinin E.P. 2020. Numerical modelling of the Australia – Antarctica conjugate margins using the GALO system: part 1. The Bremer Sub-Basin, SW Australia. Journal of Petroleum Geology, Vol. 43(3), pp. 323– 340. Mikhalsky E.V., Andronikov A.V., Leitchenkov G.L., Belyatsky B.V. 2020. The age of continental crust in the northern prince Charles mountains (East Antarctica) as evidenced by zircon xenocrysts from cretaceous alkaline-ultramafic rocks. Lithos.  DOI: 10.1016/j.lithos.2020.105599  Galushkin Y.I., Leitchenkov G.L., Dubinin E.P. Numerical modelling of the Australia – Antarctica conjugate margins using the GALO system: part 2.  The Mowson Sea Basin, East Antarctica // Journal of Petroleum Geology.  2020. Vol. 43 (4) P. 419-436.

Sergeeva V.M., Leitchenkov G.L., Dubinin E.P., Groholsky A.L. 2020. Experimental Simulation of Conditions of the Tasmania and Adélie Continental Blocks Formation at the Early Stage of the break-up of the Australian-Antarctic Paleocontinent. Geotectonics. №6. pp. 25-38. DOI: 10.31857/S0016853X200 60132

Mikhalsky E.V., Tkacheva D.A., Skublov S.G., Leitchenkov G.L., Rodionov N.V., Kapitonov I.N., Kunakkuzin E.L. 2020. Low-grade Sandow Group metasediments of the Denman Glacier area (East Antarctica): Chemical composition, age and provenance from U–Pb detrital zircon data, with some palaeotectonic implications. Polar Science. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.polar.2020.100587   Huang X., Bernhardt A., De Santis L., Leitchenkov G., Harris P., O’Brien P. 2020. Depositional and erosional signatures in sedimentary succession on the continental slope and rise the Prydz Bay, East Antarctica-- implications for Pliocene paleoclimate. Marine Geology. Vol. 430. 10.1016/j.margeo.2020.106339


Leitchenkov G.L., Galushkin Yu.I., Guseva Yu.B., Gandyukhin V.V., Dubinin E. P. 2019. Crustal Structure, Tectonic Subsidence, and Lithospheric Stretching of the Princess Elizabeth Trough Basin, East Antarctica. Geotectonics. Vol. 53, No. 6, pp. 726–737.

Dubinin E.P., Leitchenkov G.L., Grokholsky A.L., Sergeeva V.M., Agranova G. D. 2019. Structure-Forming Peculiarities at the Early Stage of Antarctic–Australia Separation Based on Physical Modeling. Physics of the Solid Earth. Vol. 55, No. 2, pp. 1–14.

Sushchevskay N.M., Belyatsky B.V., Leitchenkov G.L., Batanova V.G., Sobolev A.V. 2019. Geochemical Characteristics of Jurassic Plume Magmatism in Ahlmannryggen Massif (Queen Maud Land, East Antarctica) Doklady Earth Sciences, 2019, Vol. 486, Part 1, pp. 529–532.

Paxman G.J.G, Jamieson S.S.R, Ferraccioli F., Bentley M.J., Ross N., Watts A.B., Leitchenkov G., Armadillo E. Yongs D. 2019. The role of lithospheric flexure in the landscape evolution of the Wilkes Subglacial Basin and Transantarctic Mountains, East Antarctica Journ. Geoph. Res. 10.1029/2018JF004705.

Paxman G.J.G., Jamieson S.S.R., Hochmuth K., Gohl K., Bentley M.J., Leitchenkov G., Ferraccioli F.  2019. Reconstructions of Antarctic topography since the Eocene–Oligocene Boundary. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. Vol. 535. doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2019.109346.

Grikurov G.E., Leitchenkov G.L. Tectonics of the Antarctic. Géologues. 2019.Vol. 20. pp 1-6.

Sushchevskaya N.M., Belyatsky B.V., Tkacheva D.A., Leitchenkov G.L., Kuzmin D.V., Zhilkina A.V. 2019. Early Cretaceous Alkaline Magmatism of East Antarctica: Peculiarities, Conditions of Formation, and Relationship with the Kerguelen Plume. Geochemistry International. Vol. 58, No. 56, pp. 1051–1070.


Leitchenkov G.L., Belyatsky B.V., & Kaminsky V.D. 2018. The age of rift-related basalts in East Antarctica. Doklady Akademii Nauk, 478 (1), pp. 63–67.

Galushkin Yu.I., Leichenkov G.L., Dubinin E.P. 2018. Hydrocarbon Generation by the Rocks of the Bremer Formationin Adjacent Areas of the Nonvolcanic Passive Marginsof Australia and Antarctica Geochemistry International. Vol. 56, No. 6, pp. 554–565.

Galushkin Yu.I., Leitchenkov G.L., Guseva Yu.B., Dubinin E.P. 2018. The Stretching Amplitude and Thermal Regime of the Lithosphere in the NonVolcanic Passive Margin of Antarctica in the Mawson Sea Region. Physics of the Solid Earth. Vol. 54, No. 1, pp. 79–90.

Leitchenkov G.L., Dubinin E.P., Grokholsk A.L., Agrano G.D. 2018. Formation and Evolution of Microcontinents of the Kerguelen Plateau, Southern Indian Ocean. Geotectonics. Vol. 52, No. 5, pp. 499–515.

Klimke J., Franke D., Mahanjane E.S., Leitchenkov G. 2018. Tie-points for Gondwana reconstructions from a structural interpretation of the Mozambique Basin, East Africa, and the Riiser-Larsen Sea, Antarctica.  Solid Earth. Vol. 9, pp. 25–37.

Paxman G.J.G, Jamieson S.S.R, Ferraccioli F., Bentley M.J., Ross N., Armadillo E., Gasson E.G.W, Leitchenkov G,  DeConto R.M. 2018. Bedrock Erosion Surfaces Record Former East Antarctic Ice Sheet Extent. Geoph. Res. Letters. Doi: org/10.1029/2018GL077268.

Mikhalsky E.V., Leitchenkov G.L. (Eds.). 2018. Geological map of Mac.Robertson Land, Princess Elizabeth Land, and Prydz Bay (East Antarctica) in scale 1:1 000 000 (Map Sheet and Explanatory Notes). St.-Petersburg. VNIIOkeangeologia. 

Research Activities

  • Participant of 2 onland and 6 marine expeditions (at 5 - as a scientific advisor) to Antarctica
  • Coordinator of the Russian earth science program in Antarctica on behalf of Rosnedra Agency, the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation.
  • Vice-president for Antarctica of the UNESCO Commission for Geological Map of the World;
  • National representative of SCAR (Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research) Scientific Standing Group on Geoscience;
  • Member of Scientific Council on Tectonics & Geodinamics (Russian Academy of Science);
  • member of GDRE (D’un Groupement de Recherche Europeen) “Vostok”;
  • Member of Editorial Boards of international Journals “Terra Antarctica” and “Polish Polar Research”.
  • Member of Editorial Bord of Journal “Problems of Arctic and Antarctic”;
  • Member of EGU.
  • Assosiate Partnet in EuroAndrill Consortium (An international geological drilling initiative to understand Antarctica’s role in the global climate system);
  • Coauthor of Antarctic ODP and IODP proposals;
  • Chairman of State Examination Board (St.-Petersburg Mining University, Geological Department).

Teaching activities

Saint-Petersburg State University, Institute of Earth Sciences:

  • M.Sc.: 1) Interpretation of seismic data; 2) Seismic Stratigraphy; 3) Gas and Oil Geophysics; 4) Methods of Seafloor Mapping (POMOR Programm).
  • Training Program “Study and Exploitation of Marine Mineral Resources”


  • Medal of Merit II (Russian Federation); 
  • Honorary Prospector (Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology, Russian Federation),
  • Honorary Polar Explorer  (Ministry of Transport, Russian Federation);
  • Honorary Diploma (Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology, Russian Federation);
  • Prize of St.-Petersburg State University  “For  Fundamental achievements in Science”, 2017;
  • Prize of Karpinsky  (Prize of St.-Petersburg Government  “For Outstanding Scientific Results in the Field of Science and Technology”, 2018)

Editorial Boards

  • Member of editorial advisory boards of international journals “Terra Antarctica”, “Polish Polar Research” and GeoMarine Letters


  • RSF 16-17-1013: 2016-2020. “Deep structure, thermal evolution and magmatism of the East Antarctic transitional zones and adjacent oceans.

  • RFBR 19-05-00858; 2019-2021. “Late Cenozoic Environmental Changes in the Northwestern Weddell Sea (Antarctica)” RFBR

  • Winner of the St. Petersburg Government Award "For Outstanding Scientific Results in Science and Technology" (Karpinsky Award), 2018