FSBI "VNIIOkeangeologia"
Leading Research Institute in the field of marine geology



In 1948, on the basis of mining and geological services of the Chief Directorate of the Northern Pole Route, the Scientific Research Institute of Arctic Geology (SRIAG) was established to study the geological structure and appreciate the prospects for minerals in the Central and Eastern sectors of the Soviet Arctic. It was here where the country's economy shattered by the war, could count on expanding its mineral and raw materials base.

The first director of the Institute was the geologist of the pre-war school, battle-front veteran Boris V. Tkachenko.

Within the short period of time, huge areas from the Urals and Pay-Khoy to the Northeast region, including the islands of the Arctic Ocean, were mapped in the millionth, and then in the two-hundred-thousandth scale. State geological mapping of the Arctic land led to the systematic scientific and informational basis for such discoveries as "Big Norilsk", Ust-Yenisey gas, apatite and rare earth/rare metal giants of the north of Yakutia and the Krasnoyarsk region, gold on Taimyr and Northern Earth. The fundamental consolidated maps of the Arctic developed by the scientific school of SRIAG have received wide recognition in the international geological forums.
